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Business Leaders Back Medical Marijuana Bill in Iowa

Body and Mind
Body and Mind March 1, 2016

Iowa Map from Wikipedia CommonsWith medical marijuana legal in 23 states plus the District of Columbia, several more states are pushing legislation to legalize medical marijuana. This includes Iowa. Story excerpts in italics below.

Medical marijuana is legal in the state of Nevada, and in fact, Nevada is the only state that accepts medical marijuana cards from any other state.

Some of Iowa’s most influential business leaders are urging state legislators to pass a bill that would expand the state’s medical cannabis laws.

“Now is the time to help suffering Iowans and their families get legal access to this medicine, and we hereby call on Iowa lawmakers to debate and pass Comprehensive Medical Cannabis legislation this session,” a letter signed by more than 90 business leaders and sent to lawmakers reads.

Meredith Corp. CEO Steve Lacy, Principal Financial Group CEO Dan Houston, Bankers Trust CEO Suku Radia, Knapp Properties CEO Gerry Neugent, local real estate developer Bill Knapp and BelinMcCormick attorney Steve Zumbach are among the influential names attached to it.

The full list of signers includes seven of the Business Record’s top 10 most influential Des Moines business leaders of 2016 and spans several industries from banking and insurance to publishing and real estate.

The legislation, House File 2384, would grant the state the authority to establish two growing facilities and distribute medical cannabis oil to individuals who suffer from intractable epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and cancer.

Read full article from the Des Moines Register about this medical marijuana bill

For a list of medical marijuana dispensaries in Las Vegas, Nevada, we suggest visiting Weedmaps. Soon BaM quality medical marijuana will be available at several dispensaries around Las Vegas. If you are a patient visiting a dispensary, remember to bring your medical marijuana card and a valid ID.

Please use medical marijuana responsibly. If you are a patient that prefers or needs a medical marijuana delivery service, please be sure to use a legal medical marijuana delivery service. Illegal medical marijuana delivery services are untested and unregulated, which could result in poor quality as well as potential dangers to health. And please remember that medical marijuana laws differ depending on the state you are in.


Body and Mind
Body and Mind March 1, 2016

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